Huwebes, Setyembre 8, 2011

New Prologue

Vert looked up at the sky. The clouds were still glued to each other. Sunlight rarely penetrated the clouds. Only dim light illuminated the streets. That wasn't how it was like last year.

Last year, there was still a faint of sunlight in the clouds. The fot'ns were still able to make sure everyone else was a slave. After all, fot'ns were called the creatures of the sun. Now, they were in cages.

Vert was a fot'n, but they spared him. He wasn't a king nor a prince, but a fot'n slave. Fot'ns wanted more temples, so he became a slave. As a slave, he was mocked by the other slaves and despised by the fot'ns.

Today, he starves once again. Still, left without a home. He could not find any work. His body was rendered useless. His mind is of a simpleton. His status despised by all others. No wonder, he could not find any work.

He once again looked up the sky. Still, no sunlight. If the sun was there, he could've killed everyone who refused to employ him. For now, he had to wait.

He looked around for any sign that they wanted someone to help them. The city was still in ruins. The sturctures half built. The ground still wasn't purple. He could've sniffed an lez'rs, but he has to wait another year.

A dg'tr was next to him. The dg'tr had blue colored skin. His small, dark eye was bulging. He had four hands in his right and one in his left. His body was like a bulb. The dg'tr said in dgt'fn "It's quite amazing that your once golden skin had faltered to purple once the sun disappeared. Every other race is loving their freedom except yours, yet here you are running away from your cage."

Vert's dgt'fn was rusty, but he said something that roughly translates to "I, slave. Pukva knew. Not trouble." Vert said it without much emotion.

The dg'tr merely chuckled at Vert's attempt to speak. The dg'tr said "Stop it! You are tainting my native tongue. I see that you are not employed. After all, only unemployed fot'ns would look at the sun and hope for it to return. If you will  won't feel offended, I would like to ask a question about your freedom."

Vert responded with "Ask forward."

The dg'tr asked slowly "What will you do once your race is free? They will surely turn you into a slave."

"I help. Better be slave than starve." Vert answered with some hesitation.

"Think of it this way," said the dg'tr. "We will be once again slaves to them. We can't do anything about it. We will be fed with the worst food. It's like becoming a prisoner. Now, you have freedom to do what you always wanted instead of becoming their slave once again."

Vert still didn't change his mind. He said "Before, I eat, drink, have a small home. Today, starve, thirst, no home. Better be imprisoned than free if that makes I survive."

The dg'tr said "Suit yourself. I still cannot fathom why all of you have the same answer. It's a brave new world. Take advantage of it. If it makes you want the world now, I will give you the greatest lunch you will have in your life. All I ask is that you make the biggest bet of your life and start a company. It is not an order, but I beg you. It disgusts me that a once great race has become helpless."

"Idealist, get away!" said Vert angirly.

As much as Vert starves, he will not take any risks. He starves, yet the fool asks of him to give up any chance of eating. The dg'tr may think Vert has nothing to lose, but Vert knows that it will fail. It's what his mind tells him."

Vert looked around and saw a few dg'trs entering the only restaurant that was rebuilt. It was dg'tr holiday. Their despicable body walking around fat, while a fot'n's perfect body falters.

Vert once again looked at the sky. The clouds seem to move around. It brought joy to his eyes. He looked at his purple hands becoming gold. It was time for freedom to come. He will start with the foolish dg'tr who wants him to take a foolish venture that only the royalty can do. He looked up to thank the gods. Sadly, the gods decided to make a painful miracle.

He saw irregularly shaped vf'nt and hard, round t'oks falling from the sky. They weren't scattered all over the place. They were headed for the spot that he was standing. Did he anger or please the gods? He did not know. He merely ran away.

The rain followed him. The vf'nt and t'oks were crashing on the ground. No one else was hurt. No building damaged. Only vf'nts and t'oks chasing him. He turned back and saw a large, black, floating giant spitting out the vf'nts and t'oks towards him. The giant had a horizontal eye, immobile wings and blazing farts.

The giant spoke an alien language. It roared "FACE THE WRATH Of STICKS AND STONES!"

He could not understand a single thing. He merely kept running. He turned at an alley. He looked and saw a wall. Of all the structures in the city, this wall had to trap him. He was like a hamster in a sadistic boy's room. No room to run or hide.

A hand with two fingers popped out underneath the giant.The hard fingers grasped Vert's body. Vert saw the sun once again escaping the clouds. The two fingers siddenly entered the body of the giant. Vert's vision started to become blurry, then he only saw darkness.

Vert woke up with a strange contraption on his neck. He tried to move it, but felt a sting on his neck. He tried to look around. The dim lights made him see everything as gray. He was imprisoned in a strange room. He felt smooth walls surrounding him. He tried to smash the wall, but his hands were once again purple.

A part of the wall lit up. Words of an alien language apppeared. It showed this exact message. [Welcome. I apologize that you have to be imprisoned.]

Vert's memories bursted in his head. He saw a man opening the door to him. Another thing he saw was the wall that lit up. Then a dg'tr begging a fot'n to spare him. He saw himself with golden skin, two fuschia eyes and a strong body. Then he saw his days as a slave in a cage. He finally understood what the wall was telling him.

The wall once again became gray. Green words once again appeared. This time the words were different it said [Starting today, you are now going to chronicle the events of the universe. That is all.]

Vert's memories from that day once again flashed before his eyes. He saw a historian telling everyone that the fot'ns no longer ruled the world. Then every single memory invaded his head. As much as the entire army of memories attacked his head, it only lasted a second.

Vert should have taken the risk and started a company, because he is now imprisoned. At least he got what he want. Food, water and a small home.

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